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François Duc De La Rochefoucauld

François Duc De La Rochefoucauld
The confidence which we have in ourselves gives birth to much of that which we have in others.
It is more shameful to distrust one's friends than to be deceived by them.
Old people love to give good advice to console themselves for no longer being able to set a bad example.
Nothing is more contagious than example, and no man does any exceeding good or exceeding ill but it spawns new deeds of the same kind. The good we imitate through emulation, the ill through the malignity of our nature, which shame keeps locked up, but example sets free.
He that has patience may compass anything.
Hope, deceitful though it be, is at least of this good use to us that while we are traveling through this life, it conducts us by an easier and more pleasant way to our journey's end.
Moderation is the feebleness and sloth of the soul, whereas ambition is the warmth and activity of it.
We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones.