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Below are all the quotes matching the keyword religion, as added by user varunpitre. You can also visit the quotes matching the public keyword religion.

Bertrand Russell
Religions, which condemn the pleasures of sense, drive men to seek the pleasures of power.
Kedar Joshi
True love is like religion. It is full of devotion and free of doubt.
Ask a scientist a very profound question on his science, and he will be silent. Ask a religious person a very simple question on his religion, and he will be frenzied.
The tragedy of religion is that it is a perfect combination of profundity and bigotry, and it attracts men, usually, not on the basis of its moral and philosophical merit, if any, but on the basis of conservatism of mediocrity.
An atheist is as religious as a theist.
Mahatma Gandhi
Religions are different roads converging to the same point. What does it matter that we take different road, so long as we reach the same goal. Wherein is the cause for quarrelling?